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Dog Respiratory Illness: Sioux City, IA Pet Owners, Beware


A Mysterious Dog Illness is Traveling Across the United States.

Key Information about the Mysterious Respiratory illness

In various states, from Oregon to Florida (luckily not Sioux City, IA), a mysterious dog respiratory illness or disease is spreading. Veterinarians advise against boarding facilities due to reported cases of dogs falling seriously ill, with some even succumbing to the illness. Experts don’t know how contagious the disease is or how it’s spread. However, they believe it's spreads as dogs inhale aerosolized particles from infected dogs they have close contact with.

Opting for a Dog or Cat Sitter is the Safiest Choice

To safeguard your furry friend from respiratory illness, consider hiring a pet sitter in Sioux City, IA, instead of using kennels or doggy daycares. Experts recommend avoiding situations where dogs interact in groups. This can be challenging during the holidays, so opt for a pet sitter, like DB Pet Sitter, to provide personalized care and eliminate exposure risks. DB Pet Sitter offers a variety of services including overnights, house visits or drop-ins and walks.

Precautions and Dog Respiratory Illness Vaccinations

For added safety, consult your vet and pay attention to your dog's health. Avoid boarding facilities if your dog shows any signs of illness. Ensure your pet is fully vaccinated, including bordetella and canine influenza vaccines, at least two weeks before boarding.

“Getting those vaccines now is just enough time for dogs to be boarded for Christmas, however, I would not advise boarding your pet if they received the vaccine after Dec. 10.” local veterinarian, Pat Saulsbury of Siouxland Animal Hospital said.

Recognizing Symptoms and Seeking Treatment

Be vigilant about your dog's health and recognize symptoms like a dry cough, nasal discharge, or lethargy. If your dog shows signs of illness, consult a veterinarian immediately. Current evidence suggests the disease is more common among dogs in group housing situations, like shelters or boarding facilities.

“They’ll get lethargic and weak and stop eating, and many times have a fever as well,” Saulsbury said.

The Oregon Department of Agriculture, which has received 200+ reports from Oregon veterinarians since mid-August about the illness, said that cases appear to fall within three general clinical syndromes:

  • Chronic mild to moderate tracheobronchitis — upper airway inflammationwith a prolonged duration (six to eight weeks or longer) that is minimally or not responsive to antibiotics.

  • Chronic pneumonia that is minimally or not responsive to antibiotics.

  • Acute pneumonia rapidly becomes severe and often leads to poor outcomes in as little as 24 to 36 hours.

Sioux City Pet Owners, Act Now!

The best prevention is to stay informed and choose alternatives like a reliable local pet sitter. Avoiding group settings and prioritizing your dog's health with vaccinations and regular vet check-ups are crucial during this uncertain time.

Contact DB Pet Sitter today to secure your spot and your animal's safety over the holiday season.

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