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DB Pet Sitter's $5
Valentine's Day Drawing

Love is in the air, and DB Pet Sitter is showing her appreciation with a special Valentine's Day drawing! For $5, you have a chance to win 1 of 3 prizes. 


  • A handmade dog bandana from a local Sioux City creator and DB Pet Sitting family member. Check out her Etsy shop: DogZruleBandanas.

  • A 30-minute walk or drop-in for $10 (a 50% discount).

  • A dozen homemade pumpkin banana dog treats or "pup"sicles.

2 ways to enter

  • Send $5 via Venmo to
    @desi-beckmann include "v-day promo" in the message.

  • Fill out the form below, and pay via digtal payment (credit card/PayPal).

Thanks for submitting!

Winners will be chosen at random and notified via email and text/phone call on February 16.

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